
Name: Dom King Experience d.o.o. for business consulting

Seat: Preradovićeva 30, 10000 Zagreb

Entered in the Register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb under number: Tt-22/47218-5

MBS: 081471943

Identification number OIB: 46751260800

Transaction account and bank: IBAN: HR0224020061101125659, Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d.

Share capital: 20.000,00 KN / 2.654,46 EUR - paid in full

Persons authorized for representation: Snježana Brezović, Krešo Ivan Kralj

Tel: + 385 1 2858 906

Mobitel: + 385 91 225 3010, 385 98 937 5473


Dom King Experience d.o.o. was entered in the Register of Real Estate Brokers at the Croatian Chamber of Economy based on the Decision on the fulfilment of real estate brokerage requirements, Class: UP/I-330-01/22-01/609, Number: 517-08-01-01-01- 22-2 of December 2, 2022, issued by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development.